EVV System for Home Care: Choosing the Right Solution
Before home health care providers start looking for an EVV system, it’s important to look at the requirements of the state in which they operate. While some states are on an open vendor EVV model, meaning providers may choose the EVV solution that works for them, others require the use of state-mandated vendors. Every state is different, making it crucial for each provider to understand how their state is going about EVV implementation and meeting federal requirements. Cubhub has applied to be a point of care EVV provider.
To find out how your state operates, simply click on your state below:

Alabama →
While Alabama implemented EVV in October 2017 using a state-mandated external vendor, in January of 2022, the state changed to an open vendor model using HHAeXchange. Agencies are able to use other EVV providers as long as they integrate with HHAeXchange’s data aggregator.
Official Medicaid Contact For Alabama:
Ms. Stephanie Azar
State of Alabama, Alabama Medicaid Agency
501 Dexter Avenue, PO Box 5624
Montgomery, AL 36103-5624
EVV Model:

Alaska →
Alaska, using an open vendor model, selected Therap as its state-sponsored vendor and data aggregator. Agencies that wish to use another EVV Vendor must have that vendor approved by Therap in order to ensure the vendor’s technology is able to integrate with Therap’s data aggregator.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Alaska:
Ms. Donna Steward
4501 Business Park Boulevard, Building L
Anchorage, AK 99503-7167
EVV Model:

Arizona →
Arizona uses an open vendor EVV model and requires EVV for PCS and HHCS. Providers are able to choose a mobile EVV solution from Sandata Technologies, the state-sponsored vendor, or choose another vendor that can be integrated with Sandata’s data aggregator.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Arizona:
Ms. Jami Snyder
801 East Jefferson, MD 4100
Phoenix, AZ 85034
EVV Model:

Arkansas →
Arkansas is on the open vendor EVV model with AuthentiCare as the state-sponsored vendor. Providers may also use a state-approved alternative vendor that integrates with the state data aggregator.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Arkansas:
Ms. Dawn Stehle
PO Box 1437, Mail Slot S-201
Little Rock, AR 72203-1437
EVV Model:

California →
Though the systems do not meet federal EVV guidelines, California is currently using a state-mandated in-house system as it already had two systems in place to monitor agencies that provide Medicaid-funded PCS. California is planning to change to an open vendor EVV model.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For California:
Ms. Mari Cantwell
1501 Capitol Avenue, 6th Floor, MS 0000
Sacramento, CA 95814
EVV Model:

Colorado →
Colorado is on an open vendor EVV model with Sandata as its state-sponsored vendor. Providers may choose to use Sandata’s mobile app/web portal or IVR solution or an alternative EVV solution that can integrate with Sandata’s data aggregator.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Colorado:
Ms. Laurel Karabatsos
1570 Grant Street
Denver, CO 80203-1818
EVV Model:

Connecticut →
Connecticut requires providers to use a state-mandated external vendor with Sandata as the state vendor.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Connecticut:
Ms. Kate McEvoy
Director of Division of Health Services
55 Farmington Avenue
Hartford, CT 06105
EVV Model:

Delaware →
Delaware is on an open vendor EVV model with a state-sponsored vendor and data aggregator. Third party EVV systems must meet all necessary requirements.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Delaware:
Mr. Stephen Groff
Delaware Department of Health and Social Services
1901 N. Dupont Highway, PO Box 906, Lewis Building
New Castle, DE 19720
EVV Model:

Florida →
Florida is on an open vendor EVV model, requiring EVV for PCS, HHCS and private duty nursing. Providers must submit claims through Tellus, the Agency for Health Care Administration EVV claims system. Agencies may use the EVV vendor of their choice for data collection or utilize the Tellus mobile application.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Florida:
Ms. Beth Kidder
2727 Mahan Drive
Mail Stop 8
Tallahassee, FL 32308
EVV Model:

Georgia →
Georgia is on an open vendor EVV model with Conduent, partnered with Tellus, as the state-sponsored vendor. Providers may also use third-party vendors that integrate with Tellus.
More Info
Official Medicaid Contact For Georgia:
Ms. Lynette Rhodes
2 Peachtree Street, NW, Suite 36450
Atlanta, GA 30303
EVV Model:

Hawaii →
Hawaii is on an open vendor EVV model with Sandata as the state-sponsored vendor. They may also choose an alternate vendor that integrates with Sandata’s data aggregator.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Hawaii:
Ms. Judy Mohr Peterson
601 Kamokila Blvd, Room 518, PO Box 700190
Kapolei, HI 96709-0190
EVV Model:

Idaho →
Idaho is on an open vendor EVV model with Sandata as its state-sponsored vendor. Providers are able to work with a third-party EVV vendor, as long as it meets data aggregation requirements.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Idaho:
Mr. Matt Wimmer
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
450 West State Street, PTC Building, 10th Floor
Boise, ID 83705
EVV Model:

Illinois →
Illinois requires providers to use the state-mandated external vendor, HHAeXchange, though they can choose between multiple verification options including mobile apps, IVR and in-home client verification devices.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Illinois:
Mr. Doug Elwell
Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services
201 South Grand Avenue East, 3rd Floor
Springfield, IL 62763-0001
EVV Model:

Indiana →
Indiana is on an open vendor EVV model with Sandata as the state-sponsored EVV vendor and required aggregator. Providers may use alternative vendors as long as they meet the requirements for Sandata’s aggregator.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Indiana:
Ms. Allison Taylor
402 West Washington Street, Room W461, MS 25
Indianapolis, IN 46204
EVV Model:

Iowa →
Iowa MCOs chose CareBridge EVV. Providers must use the CareBridge mobile app, which can be downloaded on their personal smartphones or employer-provided devices.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Iowa:
Mr. Michael Randol
Iowa Department of Human Services
100 Army Post Road
Des Moines, IA 50315
EVV Model:

Kansas →
Kansas is on a state-mandated external vendor EVV model with AuthentiCare as the state-sponsored EVV vendor. Alternative vendors are not allowed.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Kansas:
Mr. Adam Proffitt
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
900 SW Jackson Avenue, Suite 900
Topeka, KS 66612
EVV Model:

Kentucky →
Kentucky is on an open vendor EVV model with Tellus as the state-sponsored EVV vendor and data aggregator. Providers may use Tellus free of charge or pay for another state-approved vendor.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Kentucky:
Ms. Carol Steckel
275 East Main Street, 6 West A
Frankfort, KY 40621
EVV Model:

Louisiana →
Louisiana is on an open vendor EVV model with Statistical Resources Inc. as the state-sponsored vendor and data aggregator. Providers may use a third-party vendor that integrates with the state system.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Louisiana:
Ms. Jen Steele
628 North 4th Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
EVV Model:

Maryland →
Maryland utilizes a state-mandated in-house system for EVV as it already had a phone-based EVV system in place as part of its Long-Term Supports and Services system, which was updated to meet Cures Act requirements.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Maryland:
Mr. Dennis R. Schrader
201 West Preston Street, Room 525
Baltimore, MD 21201
EVV Model:

Massachusetts →
Massachusetts is on an open vendor EVV model with Optum as its state-sponsored vendor. Providers may use Optum’s MyTimesheet EVV app or an alternative vendor that utilizes GPS and integrates with the state’s data aggregator.
More Info
Official Medicaid Contact For Massachusetts:
Mr. Dan Tsai
1 Ashburton Place, 11th Floor, Room 1109
Boston, MA 02108
EVV Model:

Michigan →
Michigan is on an open vendor EVV model with Optum as its state-sponsored vendor. Providers may use Optum’s MyTimesheet EVV app or an alternative EVV vendor that utilizes GPS and integrates with the state’s data aggregator.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Michigan:
Ms. Kate Massey
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
400 South Pine Street
Lansing, MI 48913
EVV Model:

Minnesota →
Minnesota is on an open vendor EVV model with HHAeXchange as its state-sponsored vendor and data aggregator. Agencies are able to utilize alternative vendors that meet state requirements.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Minnesota:
Mr. Tom Moss
Minnesota Department of Human Services
540 Cedar Street, PO Box 64983
St. Paul, MN 55167-0983
EVV Model:

Mississippi →
Mississippi is on a state-mandated in-house system EVV model utilizing its own telephone-based EVV solution, MediKey which has been upgraded to a new CareVisit EVV platform.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Mississippi:
Mr. Drew Snyder
550 High Street, Suite 1000
Walters Sillers Building
Jackson, MS 39201-1325
EVV Model:

Missouri →
Missouri is on an open vendor EVV model with Sandata as the state-sponsored vendore and data aggregator. Providers may use Sandata or continue using an existing EVV provider that integrates with the state’s aggregator.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Missouri:
Mr. Todd Richardson
Missouri Department of Social Services
615 Howerton Court, PO Box 6500
Jefferson City, MO 65102
EVV Model:

Nebraska →
Nebraska is on an open vendor EVV model with Tellus as the state-sponsored EVV vendor and data aggregator. Agencies may use the Tellus mobile app or a third-party EVV solution that integrates with Tellus.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Nebraska:
Dr. Matthew Van Patton
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
301 Centennial Mall South, 3rd Floor, PO Box 95026
Lincoln, NE 68509-5026
EVV Model:

New Hampshire →
New Hampshire is on an open vendor EVV model with stakeholders currently in the process of selecting a state-sponsored vendor.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For New Hampshire:
Mr. Henry Lipman
New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
129 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301-6521
EVV Model:

New Jersey →
New Jersey is utilizing a state-mandated in-house system for EVV with HHAeXchange as its selected vendor.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For New Jersey:
Ms. Jennifer Langer Jacobs
New Jersey Department of Human Services
7 Quakerbridge Plaza, PO Box 712
Trenton, NJ 08625-0712
EVV Model:

New Mexico →
New Mexico is on a state-mandated external vendor EVV model with AuthentiCare as the selected EVV system.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For New Mexico:
Ms. Nicole Comeaux
Department of Human Services
PO Box 2348
Santa Fe, NM 87504-2348
EVV Model:

New York →
New York allows for each provider to choose their EVV vendor and implement the system according to federal guidelines.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For New York:
Ms. Donna Frescatore
Empire State Plaza, Corning Tower, Room 1466
Albany, NY 12237
EVV Model:
Provider Choice

North Carolina →
North Carolina is on an open vendor EVV model with Sandata as the state-sponsored vendor and aggregator. Agencies are allowed to use alternative EVV systems that meet state requirements.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For North Carolina:
Mr. Dave Richard
1985 Umstead Drive, 2501 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-2501
EVV Model:

North Dakota →
North Dakota is on an open vendor EVV model with Therap as its state-sponsored vendor. Provides may use Therap or an alternative solution that meets the requirements of the state’s data aggregator.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For North Dakota:
Ms. Caprice Knapp
600 E. Boulevard Avenue, Dept. 325
Bismarck, ND 58505-0250
EVV Model:

Ohio →
Ohio is on an open vendor EVV model with the Sandata as the state vendor. Providers may also use an alternative vendor that integrates with the state system. While mobile EVV apps are preferred, IVR is allowed when mobile isn’t an option.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Ohio:
Ms. Maureen Corcoran
50 West Town Street, 4th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
EVV Model:

Oklahoma →
Oklahoma uses a state-mandated external vendor EVV model that requires agencies to use the AuthentiCare EVV solution and data aggregator. Either mobile app or IVR may be used, but not alternative EVV vendors.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Oklahoma:
Ms. Melody Anthony
Oklahoma Health Care Authority
4345 N. Lincoln Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
EVV Model:
State-Mandated In-House System

Pennsylvania →
Pennsylvania uses an open vendor EVV model. Though the state worked with Sandata to develop an EVV system that integrates with PROMISEe, the state’s Medicaid management information system, providers have the option of using an alternative system that integrates with the state system.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Pennsylvania:
Ms. Leesa M. Allen
Office of the Secretary
331 Health & Welfare Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
EVV Model:

Rhode Island →
Rhode Island is on an open vendor EVV model with Sandata as its state-funded EVV vendor and data aggregator. Providers may also use an alternative vendor that integrates with the state system.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Rhode Island:
Mr. Patrick Tigue
3 West Road, Virks Building
Cranston, RI 02920
EVV Model:

South Carolina →
South Carolina uses a state-mandated in-house system EVV model using a Replacement Management Information System that includes a mobile app and IVR option.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For South Carolina:
South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Columbia, SC 29202
EVV Model:

South Dakota →
South Dakota is on a state-mandated external vendor EVV model with Therap as its state-sponsored EVV vendor and data aggregator, though there are exceptions. Though the use of Therap is strongly encouraged, a provider may request a waiver if the state’s EVV system is deemed “not feasible.”
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For South Dakota:
William Snyder
South Dakota Department of Social Services
700 Governors Drive, Kneip Building
Pierre, SD 57501-2291
EVV Model:

Tennessee →
Tennessee allows each MCO to choose their own EVV vendor for agencies to use. Agencies not managed by MCOs are required to use the Sandata EVV solution or the Public Partnerships system for self-directed providers.
More Info
Official Medicaid Contact For Tennessee:
Tennessee Bureau of TennCare
Nashville, TN 37243
EVV Model:

Vermont →
Vermont is on an open vendor EVV model with Sandata as the state-sponsored vendor and data aggregator. Agencies may use a third-party EVV solution that integrates with the state system.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Vermont:
Mr. Cory Gustafson
280 State Drive
Waterbury, VT 05671
EVV Model:

Virginia →
Virginia allows providers to choose their own EVV vendor while MCOs are responsible for collecting EVV data and submitting to the state.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Virginia:
Ms. Karen Kimsey
600 East Broad Street, Suite 1300
Richmond, VA 23219
EVV Model:

Washington →
Washington allows providers to choose their own EVV vendors and are responsible for ensuring their vendor meets all federal EVV requirements.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Washington:
Cherry Street Plaza
Olympia, WA 98501
EVV Model:

West Virginia →
West Virginia is on an open vendor EVV model with HHAeXchange as the state-sponsored vendor.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For West Virginia:
Ms. Cynthia E. Beane
Bureau for Medical Services
350 Capitol Street, Room 251
Charleston, WV 25301
EVV Model:

Wisconsin →
Wisconsin is on an open vendor EVV model with Sandata as its state-sponsored vendor and data aggregator. Agencies may use a third party vendor that integrates with the state system.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Wisconsin:
Mr. James Jones
1 West Wilson Street, Room 350 PO Box 309
Madison, WI 53701-0309
EVV Model:

Wyoming →
Wyoming is on a state-mandated external vendor EVV model with CareBridge as its state sponsored vendor though the state may possibly move to an open vendor EVV model in the future.
More InfoOfficial Medicaid Contact For Wyoming:
Ms. Teri Green
6101 Yellowstone Road, Suite 210
Cheyenne, WY 82009
EVV Model:

Intuitive Workflows
Save Time (Money)
Improve Compliance
Track Performance
Efficient Scheduling
Improve Satisfaction
Reduce Overtime
Avoid Costly Errors
Mobile App Charting
Save Money
Attract and Retain Staff
Increase Clinical Accuracy
Q: Does Cubhub handle EVV for my State?
Yep. We work with each State’s aggregator to make sure the info already being captured by our Mobile App and edited by your team is delivered so you can get paid.
Q: Do you have that report I need to run?
Probably. We focus on rich datasets that are perfect for the Excel nerd in your office. Need something you can’t find? Let us know and we will work with you.
Q: How do I get financial numbers for my accounting software?
Our Month End Close module is built for any size company. For smaller clients we can help you get up to speed on good accounting practices so that your books stay clean as you get bigger.
Q: How do you keep me from exceeding an Authorization?
We do everything but come to your office and yell at someone. There are hard stops or alerts in every relevant section to keep you within your Auth limits.
Q: Do you generate a 485?
Of course! Once you complete the initial Eval or Assessment we automatically create the Plan of Care, customized Visit notes, Supervisory Visits, and much more.
Q: Can I send Faxes from the system or do I use a separate e-Fax software?
Unlike most EMRs, we have a built-in Fax rather than an integration. This means you get automated workflows at a lower cost with fewer clicks.
Q: Can we use our current forms?
Implementing new software is exciting, so we recommend you use this as an opportunity to evaluate all your systems- including your forms. The point of going paperless should not be to recreate everything you were doing before as a PDF on a computer. We will make sure you capture every data point you or your State auditor may require, but we will help you do it in a truly digital way.
Q: Do you have an OASIS if it is required by one of our payers?
Yes we do. Unlike other systems that focus on Medicare and give you a medicre product for everything else, we offer an amazing system for Medicaid and Private payers while giving you the essential tools you need for patients requiring an OASIS.