Overcoming Financial Hurdles: A Guide to Boosting Home Care Agency Revenue

Discover strategies to overcome financial hurdles and boost revenue for home care agencies using innovative software solutions and best practices.

Home care agencies increasingly find themselves navigating a complex web of financial management challenges. Despite the hard work and dedication to patient care, many agencies are confronted with the reality of working tirelessly yet struggling to see the financial outcomes they expect. The key to overcoming these challenges is understanding the common pitfalls in financial management and how innovative software solutions can pave the way for enhanced revenue and operational efficiency.

The Financial Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Navigating financial hurdles requires a strategic, data-driven approach. By regularly reviewing Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) performance, leveraging the right technology and automation, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, home care agencies can address the inefficiencies that impact their financial health and growth. Below, we outline some of the most critical challenges and provide solutions to overcome them.

1. The Peril of Unbilled Claims

Unbilled claims represent a significant revenue leakage for many home care agencies. Millions of claims are filed every year, making the risk of unbilled claims a major financial concern​. Unbilled claims with incomplete clinical tasks or documentation result in valuable revenue trapped in administrative purgatory.

Solution: Implementing daily reviews of the "unbilled" claims report is crucial. Cubhub software offers automated alerts and task flags to ensure that no claim is forgotten, facilitating timely submission and ensuring no claims get left behind.

2. Navigating Primary Payer Selection Errors

A mistake as simple as selecting the wrong primary payer during patient intake can lead to claim rejections and significant revenue loss. Administrative errors account for up to 10% of denied claims in healthcare, which often stems from a lack of understanding or attention to the patient's insurance eligibility.

Solution: Cubhub software simplifies eligibility verification and payer selection, reducing the risk of errors. Additionally, assigning this task to a team member with specific training in insurance verification can further mitigate risks.

3. Managing Cash Flow Variability

Cash flow issues are a leading cause of financial distress for small to mid-sized home health agencies, with many experiencing delays in payments​. This can be caused by inconsistent billing practices, fluctuating service demand, and a misunderstanding of payer time frames. Medicaid payers typically pay within 15 to 30 days, but if a claim gets rejected then the payment time frame could be doubled.   

Solution: Implementing strategic RCM practices can help mitigate cash flow variability. Cubhub software offers comprehensive solutions for real-time eligibility verification, accurate billing, and timely follow-up on unpaid claims. By ensuring that claims are processed and reimbursed promptly, your agency can maintain a more consistent cash flow and greater financial health.

4. EVV Non-compliance Penalties

Non-compliance with EVV requirements can lead to significant financial penalties. States may impose fines or deny reimbursements for visits that are not properly verified through EVV systems, impacting your agency's revenue.

Solution: Enhance your agency’s homecare billing efficiency with an integrated EMR and EVV system. Cubhub allows you to streamline your operations, ensure compliance, and optimize patient care coordination, thereby safeguarding your revenue and enhancing operational efficiency.

5. Managing Authorization Lapses

Failure to monitor and renew patient authorizations for services can lead to unreimbursed visits. When these authorizations lapse, any services rendered may not be reimbursed, causing significant financial strain on the agency. Keeping track of auths can be daunting without an efficient system in place.

Solution: Implement a system that automatically alerts staff of expiring authorizations. Cubhub software’s authorization management feature triggers weekly alerts, ensuring all services are authorized and billable.

Implement Strategic Financial Management 

In the dynamic world of home health care, financial stability is not just about working hard; it’s about working smart. Embracing technological solutions like Cubhub software enables agencies to streamline their financial operations, ensuring they can focus on what they do best: providing exceptional care to their patients. With the right tools and strategies, overcoming financial hurdles is not just possible—it’s a pathway to thriving in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Are you ready to transform your agency’s financial health and operational efficiency? Contact us today to discover how Cubhub can support your success in the home health industry.

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